Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

Jadi Ceritanya ini tentang K.R.O.N.O.L.O.G.I.S

Awalnya ini postingan udah mau aku terbitin beberapa waktu lalu, tapi masih males banget buat ngeblog. Suasana masih suram soalnya...
G tau juga sebenernya ini postingan penting apa engga buat dibaca, curhatan ini soalnya *ga nanya kali?*

KRONOLOGIS maksudku itu, gimana awalnya ak bisa deket sampe akhirnya bisa suka sm Rifki

Percaya gak percaya, dulu waktu SD aku sekelas sm Rifki selama 3taun, ya cuma 3 taun, dari kelas 4-6 di kelas Unggulan, dan parahnya, waktu ak SD dulu itu aku cuuuppuuu banget ! kebangetan CUPUnya -_-'' wes gak patek pinter,CUPU pisan.. dan seingetku, aku gak pernah tuh ngobrol sama yg namanya Rifki. Parah, ato payah? dulu itu aku pemalu

waktu SMP aku sm dia, gak sekelas, dia masuk kelas SBI, ak masuk kelas reguler, tp yang namanya temen, ya masih lah inget nama n anaknya yang mana.. Nah, ak bisa deket sm dia itu waktu awal-awal ngetren 'facebook' dia nge add ak jd friend.nya, awalnya ak gtau kalo itu si Rifki, nah gmn bisa tau, orang dy gak pake profpictnya sndr lgian namanya pake nama entah apaa --" waktu onlen chat, ak selalu nanya, tp dy.nya g bls dy sapa, smpe akhirnya ak liatin foto2 d fbnya, ada foto dia, ak msih inget ak blg gini d chat 'iki rifki yo?' daannn, dimulailah percakapan d chat sampe yah menurutku, kita deket. sharing,bercanda,sampe aku curhat itu pun lewat chat. pegel juga mnrtku kalo harus onlen fb buat chat n sharing2 sama dia, akhirnya ak mnt nomer hapenya, smsn deh.

aku inget lho, waktu jaman matrikulasi d smansa, aku tukeran jwbn soal2 matrikulasi, sering sharing ttg guru2nya jg (baca:ngerasani) :D yaa mgkn waktu itu ak ngerasa dy 'berarti'

ak sedih banget waktu dia bilang mau k smanti, apalagi dia g ikut tes matrikulasi. Berasa sepi banget d smansa waktu itu, padahal waktu masih matrikulasinya ak seneng banget, dia sering mondar mandir gitu :'):'(

melankolis emang, whatever !

yang bikin galau, beberapa hari lalu dia bilang kalo status2nya yg so sweet itu buat Ayu, tmnnya smanti, ak yg maksa dia buat cerita sbnrnya, mau giimana, ak trlnjur pnsaran soalnya :((( ak sedih waktu itu, tapi ak harus gimana? marah2 sm rifki? ga nyambung banget lah.. ak cm bisa nangis, dwean pisan. *tragis 

terus, ak memutuskan utk mendeactive fb.ku, kenapa? bahasa melankolisnya, terlalu banyak kenangan yg menyenangkan jg mnyedihkan disana :( lagian ak buka fb itu pengen liat profilnya Rifki, tapi kalo liat statusnya yg lg fallin' love itu, bikin sakitt -_-" ya pada intinya, ak pengen sedikit menghindari dia. 

bikin tambah melow, waktu ak sms dia ternyata nomernya udah g aktif -__-" tambah sakit g sihh, daripada aku galau, g karuan, emosi, negthnk terus, akhirnya ak aktifin lagi akun fb.ku dan nanya lgsg k anaknya. mastiin nomernya ganti apa engga, ternyata emg bener, nomornya ganti, tp ak gatau nmrnya brp, dia g ngasih, katany g apal, ak udah pesen, minta ngirimin nomernya, tp entah bakal dikirim beneran apa engga, kalopun engga, ya udah. ak terima aja.

ak kadang mikir, tolol banget sih aku, masak gini aja melankolis? tp gimana, sedih sih -_-

Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

Wish You Were Here-Avril Lavigne

Tergila gila sama lagunya Avril, yang ini(wish you were here) , i love you sama yg remember when, 

haduh galau banget dgerin lagu2 itu semalem -__-" payah ahh ! ini liriknya yang 'wish you were here'yang 'remember when' baca post.ku sebelum ini, yang 'i love you' udah di post sama mas riyanwp

Tetep ya, ini lagu masih aku dedikasi buat RFK. Miriss banget deh -_-

I can be tough
I can be strong
But with you, it's not like that at all

There's a girl
who gives a shit
behind this wall
You've just walked through it

And I remember, all those crazy things you said
You left them riding through my head

You're always there, you're everywhere

But right now I wish you were here.
All those crazy things we did
Didn't think about it, just went with it

You're always there, you're everywhere

But right now I wish you were here

Damn, Damn, Damn,
What I'd do to have you
here, here, here
I wish you were here.
Damn, Damn, Damn
What I'd do to have you
near, near, near
I wish you were here.

I love the way you are
It's who I am, don't have to try hard
We always say, say like it is

And the truth is that I really miss

All those crazy things you said
You left them riding through my head
You're always there, you're everywhere

But right now I wish you were here.

All those crazy things we did
Didn't think about it, just went with it
You're always there, you're everywhere

But right now I wish you were here

No, I don't wanna let go
I just wanna let you to know
That I never wanna let go

Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011

Avril Lavigne – Remember When

Remember when I cried to you a thousand times
I told you everything

You know my feelings

It never crossed my mind
That there would be a time
For us to say goodbye
What a big surprise

But I’m not lost
I’m not gone
I haven’t forgot


These feelings I can’t shake no more
These feelings are running out the door

I can feel it falling down
And I’m not coming back around
These feelings I can’t take no more
This emptiness in the bottom drawer
It’s getting harder to pretend
And I’m not coming back around again
Remember when…

I remember when
It was together ‘til the end

Now I’m alone again
Where do I begin?

I cried a little bit
 You died a little bit

Please say there’s no regrets
And say you won’t forget
to : RFK,
hope you will read it

Senin, 02 Mei 2011

when you love someone *lyric

I love you but it's not so easy to make you here with me
I wanna touch and hold you forever
But you're still in my dream
And I can't stand to wait ‘till nite is coming to my life
But I still have a time to break a silence
When you love someone
Just be brave to say that you want him to be with you
When you hold your love
Don't ever let it go
Or you will loose your chance
To make your dreams come true...

I used to hide and watch you from a distance and i knew you realized
I was looking for a time to get closer at least to say... “hello”
And I can't stand to wait your love is coming to my life
When you love someone
Just be brave to say that you want him to be with you
When you hold your love
Don't ever let it go
Or you will loose your chance
To make your dreams come true...

And I never thought that I'm so strong
I stuck on you and wait so long
But when love comes it can't be wrong
Don't ever give up just try and try to get what you want
Cause love will find the way....
When you love someone
Just be brave to say that you want him to be with you
When you hold your love
Don't ever let it go
Or you will loose your chance
To make your dreams come true...

Lirik yang "when you love someone just be brave to say..'' ngenaa bangett di aku -_-"

gak ada salahnya nyoba 'say' your feeling, mungkin aja ada keajaiban, toh rasanya habis itu bakal lega banget, aku udah nyoba, hasilnya sih emang mengecewakan, tapi aku puas. Tuhan selalu memberikan jalan yang terbaik, dan aku yakin saat ini hasil itu yang terbaik :)) dia udah jadi lebih dari teman buatku, terima kasih :)
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